The College Board, which administers the SAT exam, states that the SAT is "more focused on the skills and knowledge at the heart of education". Therefore, merely memorising formulae, words, and facts might not help you crack the exam.
In part 2 of SAT grammar pointers, we cover another 5 rules that are extensively tested in the SAT Reading and Writing section.
Redundancy refers to wordiness and unnecessary repetition of words. It is a strict no-no on the SAT: concision is always preferred. So, if you can shorten a sentence without changing its intended meaning and without making grammatical errors, you must do so!
And how do you avoid redundancy? Look keenly for repetitive ideas and eliminate them.
1. Some scientific studies suggest that tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which can inhibit specific
pathways inside a cell, might be more effective and able to produce better results when
used in combination with other drugs to combat treatment-resistant diseases.
Read the original sentence again. Do you realize that being ‘more effective’ and ‘being able to produce better results’ mean the same. These two ideas are repetitive, thus, redundant. This helps us eliminate options A and D.
Download the complete list of 5 rules to ace the SAT Reading and Writing section.