Who doesn’t like freebies, right? A constant search for free GRE sample questions or a GRE free mock test is a rite of passage when preparing for GRE. A simple google search can list a lot of them, but in this blog, we want to surprise you with details on the variety of GRE resources that you probably didn’t know could be free. So, let’s dive right in!
In this Blog:
1. Are free resources really free?
2. GRE free mock test
3. Free GRE Vocabulary PDF
4. Free GRE Demo class
5. GRE Free Mock Tests/Trial access to GRE online testing portal
Are free resources free?
Let’s get done with this ever-looming question first – are free resources free? Most of the sources you will find for free will require you to sign up first, including the free Powerprep practice test on the ETS’s website. Harmless signup is a small price to pay for a better GRE score.
Free GRE Mock Test
If there were an award for the most in-demand free GRE study material, it would go to free GRE mock tests. Since there is just one free official GRE practice test on the ETS website, finding an adaptive GRE free mock test can be tricky. And when you don’t have enough official GRE practice tests, Jamboree’s GRE-free mock test is the closest you can get to the actual exam. Jamboree’s free GRE mock test has been specially designed to test precisely how GRE-ready you are, with the type of questions that regularly appear in the GRE. Click here to take the test.
Free GRE Vocabulary PDF/ Simplified GRE Vocabulary App
For a lot of students, GRE Vocabulary is quite a challenge. With so many words that might appear on your iteration of the GRE list, it can be hard to imagine learning them all. And the only thing better than a well-researched and free GRE Vocabulary PDF is an app that does the job without making it feel like hard work.
You can try the Simplified GRE Vocabulary app that uses Jamboree’s unique teaching methodology that unbelievably simplifies GRE Vocabulary for you. With the free app, you don’t have to memorize thousands of words and can quickly learn high-frequency GRE words with the help of easy-to-remember groups, fun quizzes, and highly customized features.
Click here to download your Simplified GRE Vocabulary app!
Free GRE Demo Class
Yes, if you wonder what a free demo class is doing on a GRE free mock test list, let us tell you! A demo class is helpful to conclude whether or not you can benefit from classroom training for the GRE. And that insight is valuable because it can significantly impact your GRE test score to eventually help you target better universities.
Click here to take a free GRE demo class.
Take a 35-minute GRE Diagnostic test to find how GRE-ready you are right now!
Take the test!
GRE Free Mock Tests/Trial access to GRE online portal
We saved the best for the last – GRE free mock tests or free access to the GRE online portal of a test prep institution is the ultimate king of freebies.
Let’s now get to the next obvious question, who is even doing that? We hate to bring it up again, but Jamboree is! Yes, you can now fully access Jamboree’s GRE online testing portal for free for the full 7 days.
Click here to get access now.
Have more questions about GRE test prep or admissions? We can help! Counselors for a free 15-minute consultation session and get all your doubts resolved!