How Extracurricular Help your College Application | Jamboree
With the acceptance rate of just 5% in the top schools like Stanford & Harvard, you need to be more than a well-rounded applicant with good academics and SAT scores; you need to demonstrate your personality through the extracurricular activities you choose. Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in your college application. However, how to choose the extracurricular activities that can highlight your personality is difficult. To understand this, join our latest webinar, “How Extracurriculars Help Your College Application?” by Aryama D. Saika, MS expert & COO Jamboree. The key points that will be addressed in this webinar include: 1: How important are extracurriculars for college admissions? 2: How do extracurriculars help you get into college? 3: How should you choose extracurriculars? 4: What do admission committees look for in applications? 5: How can extracurriculars impact your application? #Jamboree #jamboreeeducation #SAT #SATEXAM #Stanford #Harvard,