Solving 750 Level SC Questions Under 30 Seconds | Jamboree Education
More than a third of GMAT verbal consists of Sentence Correction questions. How great would it be if you can get all of these right, isn't it? Now you can! We bring you an exclusive live webinar on how to solve 750-level SC questions by Aryama D Saikia, our COO & verbal expert. Key points: - How important is grammar to SC? - How to use reasoning skills to get questions right if you're faced with unfamiliar words - How to use comparisons to get the question right - How to eliminate some options immediately to save time - What to do when you are left with 2 options and both seem right? SC part of GMAT verbal can be a real game-changer ONLY if you master all the rules that our verbal expert is about to explain in this webinar.